I'm currently taking an indefinite leave of absence from sewing, so there will be no hammocks available.

Hi there- My name is Jill (known to my friends in the ratty world by my screen name Dearpie) and I started making these hammocks for my own rats. I was tired of the high prices and poor quality of store bought hammocks, so I decided to create my own. I then started selling them to benefit a local rat rescue, and have since sold over 3500! You can see pictures of my happy customers in their favorite hammocks here.

More than just hammocks!
Things have grown, and you can now get tubes, bonding pouches, double decker hammocks and corner hammocks, along with my popular pocket hammocks, plus the newly added wall basket and wall hanging. Check out the Products section to find out more.

How to order
After deciding on what you want to order, simply go to our Order Page, and follow the easy steps described there. Once I get your order, I will get back to you with an estimate on how much it will be, including shipping costs.

I feed my pets the best nutritional supplements. For information, Click here

A big thanks to Goosemoose at Rats Rule! for hosting this page.